METROLAND delivered a musical testimonial for their lost friend Louis Zachert (Passenger L) by releasing their album ‘Things Will Never Sound The Same Again’. This unique product contains songs that are all related to their friendship.
Where the first single ‘Under The Roof’ was named after the recording studio where they spent loads of time together, their new single ‘Synthetic Sound’ is about their common deep love for synthetic music and sound. Bits, bytes, keys, synthetic sounds and mega-hertz are clearly present on this release. METROLAND deliberately opted to remix all the versions themselves, in order to contain the true spirit of their synthetic sound. Passenger S unleashed some electroclash on the ‘7inch’ and ‘12inch Alternate’ version.
“Synthetic Sound” is again a release, submerged in the typical METROLAND style with hypnotic and melodic sequences, vibrating bass lines and pulsating rhythms paying homage to a great friend.
This single is also released in an alternative “remixes” version.

“Under The Roof” is METROLAND’s sole single from their prominent tribute album “Things Will Never Sound The Same Again”, a tailor made production for their passed Passenger L.
“Under The Roof” as the title was aptly chosen as it is a wink to the name of Louis’ mastering studio. It was a place where all METROLAND members spent a huge amount of time, recording a variety of music.
For the alternative “remixes” version of this single, METROLAND turned to artists who were closely working with Louis. Johan Breton, showing that his minimal tech house touch can work wonders again on “Under The Roof”. Franky Deblomme, for whom Louis mastered several DARKMEN-releases, gives “Good Moaning” an extra technological dimension. By far the most remarkable remix is the one from Music/Machine by MUSICOCOON, and we are not only talking quality, but because what you hear there is truly the last production that Louis and his MUSICOCOON partner, Philippe Malemprée, had been working on.
“METROLAND is proud to showcase all of this to honor our close and warm friend”.

“Under The Roof” is METROLAND’s sole single from their prominent tribute album “Things Will Never Sound The Same Again”, a tailor made production for their passed Passenger L.
“Under The Roof” as the title was aptly chosen as it is a wink to the name of Louis’ mastering studio. It was a place where all METROLAND members spent a huge amount of time, recording a variety of music.
For the alternative “remixes” version of this single, METROLAND turned to artists who were closely working with Louis. Johan Breton, showing that his minimal tech house touch can work wonders again on “Under The Roof”. Franky Deblomme, for whom Louis mastered several DARKMEN-releases, gives “Good Moaning” an extra technological dimension. By far the most remarkable remix is the one from Music/Machine by MUSICOCOON, and we are not only talking quality, but because what you hear there is truly the last production that Louis and his MUSICOCOON partner, Philippe Malemprée, had been working on.
“METROLAND is proud to showcase all of this to honor our close and warm friend”.

In August 2015 METROLAND suffered a tragic blow when their sound engineer and very close friend Louis Zachert, the group’s Passenger L, passed away. As a personal tribute, Passengers A and S created a complete new album from scratch, where every song, every note and the featured cd art is their way of saying thank you and goodbye to their close friend and fellow passenger. The 11 titles on the album each describe or embody what Louis means to the band in general and to both Passengers on a personal level: his witty e-mail headers, the name of his recording studio, his genuine love for synthetic music, his other musical projects and, especially, life itself.
When comparing the music on this album to former releases, the listener will surely notice a darker, slightly mellow edge, while rediscovering the typical METROLAND sound that clearly toys with sounds from analogue synthesizers, pulsating rhythms and effective samples.
This 3rd release is not just an album, it’s a profound production filled with sentiment and a heartfelt message to every one out there, but to Louis Zachert in particular: “Things will never sound the same again”… This album is not a commercial product. It’s an homage, in every possible respect.

After paying homage to Walter Gropius’ dream, written down in his 1919 Bauhaus Manifesto, METROLAND is about to close their triadic series. Their current praised album “Triadic Ballet” fully embraced modern technology and the utopian vision from the Bauhaus. Colours and shapes melted with main principles like ‘unity’, ‘hierarchy’ and ‘variety’, marking another milestone for METROLAND that finally showed their true identity.
Their industrial approach to 21st century music had always targeted creating things of beauty and they complete their musical trinity with this next single release.
‘Re-design’ as a third and final single release is again available in two different download EP’s, each holding three songs…
A regular edition with an exclusive 7inch remake of the epic ‘Design’ threesome on Triadic Ballet, a total make-over by Belgian musician Polynomiq and a second EP – the Spacious Edition – with remixes by, among others, Jean-Marc Lederman, better known for his work with The Weathermen and several other projects.
Both EP’s contain a (different) version of ‘Vers La Côte D’azur’, a brand new exclusive song that puts METROLAND back on the road to new adventures.

After paying homage to Walter Gropius’ dream, written down in his 1919 Bauhaus Manifesto, METROLAND is about to close their triadic series. Their current praised album “Triadic Ballet” fully embraced modern technology and the utopian vision from the Bauhaus. Colours and shapes melted with main principles like ‘unity’, ‘hierarchy’ and ‘variety’, marking another milestone for METROLAND that finally showed their true identity.
Their industrial approach to 21st century music had always targeted creating things of beauty and they complete their musical trinity with this next single release.
‘Re-design’ as a third and final single release is again available in two different download EP’s, each holding three songs…
A regular edition with an exclusive 7inch remake of the epic ‘Design’ threesome on Triadic Ballet, a total make-over by Belgian musician Polynomiq and a second EP – the Spacious Edition – with remixes by, among others, Jean-Marc Lederman, better known for his work with The Weathermen and several other projects.
Both EP’s contain a (different) version of ‘Vers La Côte D’azur’, a brand new exclusive song that puts METROLAND back on the road to new adventures.

When Walter Gropius wrote the Bauhaus Manifesto in 1919, he had a dream: a dream of creating a total, socially relevant movement where all art forms would be present, and a utopian world where every home would benefit from products which, though industrially produced, oozed beauty and quality.
Small wonder then, that METROLAND, whose industrial approach to 21st century music had always targeted creating things of beauty, enthusiastically embraced Gropius’ ideas and defining motto “Art and technology – a new unity”.
As such, their new release, the deluxe 3 cd limited edition album “Triadic Ballet” (released 16/4/2015), pays homage to Bauhaus’ main principles of unity, hierarchy and variety, making them true heirs to Gropius’ legacy, and worthy advocates of The Manifesto.
Second single taken from this new conceptual album, ‘The Manifesto’ is available in two different download EP’s – one with an exclusive 7inch edit and a 12inch mix of ‘The Manifesto’, another – the Spacious Edition – with remixes by, among others, iEuropean, a kindred soul who recently collaborated with Wolfgang Flür (Kraftwerk).
Both EP’s contain a (different) version of ‘A Man Walked On The Moon’: a brand new track, exclusively available as part of these EP’s.
You can download the second part below.

When Walter Gropius wrote the Bauhaus Manifesto in 1919, he had a dream: a dream of creating a total, socially relevant movement where all art forms would be present, and a utopian world where every home would benefit from products which, though industrially produced, oozed beauty and quality.
Small wonder then, that METROLAND, whose industrial approach to 21st century music had always targeted creating things of beauty, enthusiastically embraced Gropius’ ideas and defining motto “Art and technology – a new unity”.
As such, their new release, the deluxe 3 cd limited edition album “Triadic Ballet” (released 16/4/2015), pays homage to Bauhaus’ main principles of unity, hierarchy and variety, making them true heirs to Gropius’ legacy, and worthy advocates of The Manifesto.
Second single taken from this new conceptual album, ‘The Manifesto’ is available in two different download EP’s – one with an exclusive 7inch edit and a 12inch mix of ‘The Manifesto’, another – the Spacious Edition – with remixes by, among others, iEuropean, a kindred soul who recently collaborated with Wolfgang Flür (Kraftwerk).
Both EP’s contain a (different) version of ‘A Man Walked On The Moon’: a brand new track, exclusively available as part of these EP’s.
You can download the first part below.

METROLAND instantly established their trademark sound with the debut album “Mind The Gap” and confirmed their vintage electronic supremacy with the recent conceptual “Thalys” 12″ vinyl release. Today, the Belgian duo presents “Zeppelin”, the first EP from their forthcoming 2nd album “Triadic Ballet” inspired to the Bauhaus movement. While the main track, “Zeppelin” shows the floating, melodic and warm synthetic side of their work, “(We need) Machines Without Romance” reveals a more nervous, pulsating and harsher attitude. “Zeppelin” definitely marks a new launch for our favourite Belgian passengers and announces another astounding conceptual release…
METROLAND’s “Zeppelin” will be released in two different 3-track editions (standard and spacious edition).
The “spacious” edition even reveals a third psychedelic track “The Hindenburg Landing” through which METROLAND remind us once again how deep they always investigate and develop the content of their conceptual work. Next to the reference of Ferdinand Von Zeppelin, German inventor of the Zeppelin, “The Hindenburg landing” contains the authentic audio report by journalist Herbert Morrison, directly recorded at the time of the disaster…
This EP is only available as a download via Bandcamp (see player below).

METROLAND instantly established their trademark sound with the debut album “Mind The Gap” and confirmed their vintage electronic supremacy with the recent conceptual “Thalys” 12″ vinyl release. Today, the Belgian duo presents “Zeppelin”, the first EP from their forthcoming 2nd album “Triadic Ballet” inspired to the Bauhaus movement. While the main track, “Zeppelin” shows the floating, melodic and warm synthetic side of their work, “(We need) Machines Without Romance” reveals a more nervous, pulsating and harsher attitude. “Zeppelin” definitely marks a new launch for our favourite Belgian passengers and announces another astounding conceptual release…
METROLAND’s “Zeppelin” will be released in two different 3-track editions (standard and spacious edition).
The “spacious” edition even reveals a third psychedelic track “The Hindenburg Landing” through which METROLAND remind us once again how deep they always investigate and develop the content of their conceptual work. Next to the reference of Ferdinand Von Zeppelin, German inventor of the Zeppelin, “The Hindenburg landing” contains the authentic audio report by journalist Herbert Morrison, directly recorded at the time of the disaster…
This EP is only available as a download via Bandcamp (see player below).